
E-RIHS is the European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science, created to support the research community on heritage interpretation, preservation, documentation, innovation and management; it is  composed of 14 national nodes across Europe and is coordinated by the National research council of Italy. E-RIHS announces the launch of our new website (https://www.e-rihs.eu/), a portal dedicated to connecting the past to the future through science and cultural heritage. To reinforce the E-RIHS identity, mission and vision E-RIHS needs your help! Help E-RIHS choose the perfect slogan! Participate in the survey and choose your favorite one! With your input, E-RIHS will find the slogan that captures its essence.

E-RIHS slogans at the showdown: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/ChooseTheERIHSslogan


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